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Tacoma Artificial Turf 90 oz.
Tacoma Fake Turf Grass for Lawn - How To Install Artificial Grass
Tacoma Artificial Grass
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$34.99 will be added for each palletized or bagged material
Price per square foot $4.25
Inflation Fighter Sale $3.25
Savings: $1.00
Material Type: Artificial Synthetic Turf
Typical Time Required: Depends on the size of installation area
Equipment Needed: Check our Syn Turf Installation materials
Additional Materials Needed: Weed control fabric, gopher wire, wood, steel or plastic edging

Quantity in Stock:100000

Product Code: 206841ST

Tacoma Syn-Turf 90 oz. Cost near me

Leave the endless lawn maintenance in the past with! No need to spend absurd amounts of money on lawn mowers, fertilizer, and water bills. Make the switch to a Tacoma Light lawn today!

Tacoma Light features vibrant lime and field green color tones that will stand out in any residence, commercial property, or school. An approximate 50-ounce face weight allows for light to moderate traffic levels, paired with an “M” shaped blade and 1.625-inch pile height, creating a full and lush landscape that will provide an evergreen lawn all year long! Each synthetic grass blade has built-in U.V. inhibitors that are triple reinforced into the backing through tuft bind technology.

Tacoma Light is backed by our 15-year warranty, guaranteeing that your lawn is safe, durable, and will last you for years to come. Riviera Light is non-toxic and lead-free, creating a landscape alternative that is a perfect fit for any home, business, or school.
Product Specifications and Uses

Product Specification

Yarn Characteristics

Yarn Characteristics
Type Monofilament PE with Thatch
Composition/Structure: Polyethylene
Denier: 12,000/4,400
Colors: Field Green/Olive Green

Manufactured Rolls

Width: 15 Feet
Length: 100 Feet
Shipping Weight: 850 Pounds*
Roll Diameter: 24 Inches
Total Product Weight: Approximately 92 Ounces Per Square Yard

Turf Characteristics

Turf Characteristics
Pile/Face Weight: Approx. 65 Ounces
Pile Height: Approx. 1.625 Inches
Machine Gauge: 1/2 Inch
Thatch Color: Brown Thatch

Backing Characteristics

Primary Backing 1 Primary Backing 2
Composition/Structure: 13 Pic Composition/Structure: 15 Pic
Weight: 3.5 Ounces Per Square Yard Weight: 3.5 Ounces Per Square Yard
Finish Coating: Tuft Bind: 10+ pounds
Polyurethane 20 ounces per square yard*

Particulate Infill

Particulate Infill
Type: Quality Infill
Weight: 1.5-2.5 Pounds Per Square Foot*
Height: Approx. 0.5-0.75 Inches
Colors: Green, Black, or Natural

*Weight is Approximate
Additional Information:
Recommended Maintenance: Rinse and groom as needed to limit matting.
Drainage Rate: 30+ inches of rain per hour per square yard.
EarthstoneRock cares about environmental issues and only produces products certified as lead free and free of dioxin emissions.
Matting Disclaimer: Synthetic grass, by the nature of the composition will have some matting possibilities. It’s important to discuss the level of use with your installer to ensure you’ve chosen the right product for your needs. Matting is not covered under the warranty.

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